Where would you go if you were looking for a large corner china cabinet?
I realize this is maybe an old-fashioned sort of thing, which is why I’m having trouble finding them (?), but I have quite a bit of serveware to store these days, given the cookbook and food-related business stuff, and while I could do two separate cabinets and leave the corner as dead space, that seems both wasteful of space and likely to be cluttered aesthetically.
First image is an example of one kind of cabinet I like aesthetically, second image is a corner cabinet, but I’d want to extend the cabinetry on both sides. Tell me I don’t have to get this custom-made, because that’s almost certainly not in the budget…
In case it matters, the space I have is 56″ on one wall, and 76″ on the other; I’d rather it wasn’t super-deep.