Slept in

I slept in ’til 8:30 this morning, which is VERY LATE for me, and honestly, I still pretty much feel like this:

This is me, waiting to meet Nara Nayar for a drink at the Beer Shop, a few nights ago. I was so, so tired. Not a great conversationalist, I think, and almost falling into my little half-cider from exhaustion. Sorry, Nara! (Thanks for sending Ray over today; Anand is thrilled for his playdate.)


I *am* doing better, after a few days of rest. I think I’ve had a mild cold for a solid month, at least, and I’m still waking up coughing every day. Not sick enough to miss teaching or other work, really, but just sick enough that my body feels tired all the time and exercise is mostly beyond me. Even Beat Saber feels like too much effort, much less starting lifting again or checking out some fighting classes, which is what I’d planned to be doing this month. Sigh.

Worst, I’m thinking slowly enough that writing fiction is REALLY hard, which is why I’ve STILL not finished that WC story that is almost done.

Goals for this weekend:
– finish that story (about 2 hrs of work),
– do the back matter for the Feast ebooks, so Jed can actually finish them and we can send them out (about 2 hrs of work)
– track the flash sale and confirm orders (although FB seems to be updating my page now, which is slowing it down in weird ways, which is suboptimal for Small Business Saturday, FB!)
– I’d also love to get the remaining photos off my phone and posted.
– start putting up Christmas (we actually got Thanksgiving taken down and the basement somewhat organized yesterday, in large part due to Kavi and her friend Emma working for 4 solid hours while I sat on the couch tiredly and directed — Cristin, your daughter is a great worker; if she ever needs a job recommendation, let me know!)

That’s not too much, right?

I’m planning to do a lot of resting in December — we’re not traveling anywhere. I’m even thinking of giving Kevin my FB password for a week and taking a real social media break. It’s kind of astonishing how nervous that makes me. A friend suggested going off on vacation by myself for 3 days without any devices — no phone, no laptop.

I hyperventilated at the very thought!

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