Doused it all with another 1/4 c. of brandy, then wrapped it in plastic wrap (cheesecloth or muslin is traditional, but the plastic wrap is easier, I think, and should work fine) and put it into the fridge to chill for six weeks. Or at least four -- we'll probably have a Christmas party in mid-December or so, and I might pull it out then. I did cut off a corner and taste, and it is good.
It's not quite as dense and dark as I remember, and the flavors are fresher -- in part that's because it hasn't aged yet, and in part because I skipped the candied citron ('cause I burned it and didn't have time to make another batch) and also skipped the glac cherries, because Kevin doesn't like the taste of those. It doesn't look quite as gem-like when sliced into, without the red and green translucent cherries and citron, but I think it might taste a bit better. :-)
Was curious about glac / maraschino cherries, so looked them up -- thought the history might interest you too: