In theory, yesterday was…

In theory, yesterday was a perfect day. Woke up at 5 a.m., read for an hour or so, finishing a novel (Death of Vishnu), started another (Serafina). Got the kids off to school, wrote a thousand words. Dealt with some urgent e-mail, met Roshani and walked for an hour and a half in perfect fall weather. Came home to meet Neha and we worked on Kriti things until 4, then I went out and ran errands 'til 6.

This is where the perfect started falling apart -- I started getting tired. Made easy dinner (Thai curry out of a can) for us and Kat's family. Sorted kid clothes for the Parenthesis consignment sale. Watched an episode of Fringe in a half-hearted, half-asleep sort of way. Helped Kavi with her piano practice. Let Kevin deal with putting the kids to bath and bed and crashed at 9, not having done my prep for today's teaching.

It's fine -- I did my prep this morning @ 5, and then got dressed and made tea, and now the kids will be up soon, and we're on schedule for me teaching on time -- but I don't like feeling just exhausted all evening. Maybe it's just fighting off a cold. Maybe it's needing to up my thyroid dose. Not sure if I need to build in more rest time in the 5 a.m. - 6 p.m. stretch?

I feel like with this schedule, I can get everything done, but the kids and Kevin mostly get the most tired part of me, which is not ideal. I like getting up at 5, though. Dunno.

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