Aqueduct Press is seeking submissions that engage with WisCon 38 (2014) and its programming. (You need not have attended WisCon in order to submit a piece for this anthology.) We are especially interested in material on the themes of intersections and alliances (although we will consider other responses to the convention).
We find ourselves considering what it means to live at the intersections of various identities, some of them more privileged than others. We ask how we can function as good allies to each other in often challenging situations. Were living through an intense time of social change, and a variety of questions arise as we have these often difficult conversations about feminism, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and more. Among them are questions about what leads to positive social change and how best to effect such change in our communities.
We may be in conflict with one another about optimal tactics, yet we share the same goals for positive social progress and a healthy, safe, and welcoming community. In conversation with each other, we hope this volume will help elucidate some of these difficult but necessary questions. Passion is welcome, and nuance, even more so.
This will be a mixed-genre volume: essays, short fiction, poetry, art, comics, are all welcome. Preferred word length is variable, but ideally 1000 5000 words for prose. We offer contributors copies and a nominal payment. We are also looking for cover artwork, for which we can offer $100.
Submission deadline is October 15, 2014. E-mail submissions to, with the subject line WISCON SUB: [title]. You may submit up to 3 items. You may submit in multiple genres if desired.
Mary Anne Mohanraj, Editor