My shrub rose is covered in buds -- the English roses have a ways to go still. But the wild rose has started blooming, small and sweet-scented. The columbines are messy and exuberant -- they look best in a multi-colored mass, I think, where they can support each other, rather than flopping over. The Walker's Low catmint is not actually that low (grows 24-36" tall), but it is happy in exuberant bushes of pretty pale purple flower spikes that should bloom solidly from now into the fall; I've planted it close to the path, as you can see, so that it should release some nice scent into the air as you brush past. Hopefully not *too* close. I love the cottage garden look, where there's an abundance of flowers and plants soften the edges of paths, but I do want people to be able to actually walk the paths. :-)