For a long, long time, irises were my favorite flower, possibly because I had a clever little book that showed you how you could cut irises out of paper -- it was complicated, but I made several of them, and I grew to love irises. It was also nice to have a favorite that wasn't the rather obvious rose. Now I couldn't possibly pick a favorite. Irises today, and something entirely different tomorrow. Catmint, perhaps. It smells so lovely.
It's nice to be back to my garden, though there is SO much work to do. There's a ton of burdock to dig out, for example. Tomorrow is going to be warm and thunderstormy, which might be perfect weeding weather. I can get nice and muddy doing an hour of weeding in the morning before I settle down to the new summer writing regimen. (Exercise, meditation (new!), kids to school, writing from eight to noon.)
In theory, anyway. I'm not quite sure how exhausted I am from #WisCon38. I was dancing until 3-ish last night, and slept 'til 10, which is frankly shocking for me, a good five hours off my normal schedule; I almost feel jet-lagged. If I can't quite manage industry tomorrow, I'll give myself a day to recover. But by Wednesday.I have books to write!