Am also going to try to finalize the editorial line-up today (v. close to done), and get the editors started on submission guidelines. I'm going to ask them to get at least preliminary guidelines ready within a week, with the goal of accepting submissions on a rolling basis immediately, and having a first issue up by March (end of first quarter of 2013). Watch this space.
Oh, and hey, while I'm here -- the budget is basically $250 / issue, which is tiny, I know, but I want to start with something manageable, and if we can raise rates later, that's awesome.
In case any of you are still thinking about end-of-year donations, and would perhaps like to support S. Asian literature, please do let me know. DesiLit's efforts are sponsored by the SLF, a 501(c)3 organization, so all donations to us are tax-deductible.
Each quarter, we're planning to buy and publish (these amounts are not final yet, but approximately...):
- fiction ($100): $25 each for 4 stories
- essays ($50): $25 each for 2 essays
- reviews ($50): $10 each for 5 reviews
- poetry ($50): $10 each for 5 poems
- art ($0):
No payment to artists initially, but we can feature 2-4 artists / issue in a gallery, get their work out there and hopefully that will help them find cover art or illustration work. We're primarily a literary magazine, at least for right now -- so our focus is on paying writers. I'd love to pay artists someday too, though!