After several hours intensively caring for very sick and miserable Kavi yesterday (at one point, she was crying because her stomach hurt so much, poor munchkin -- although to be fair, and as Kevin pointed out, our little girl is something of a drama queen), I was feeling like I had used up all my nurturing tendencies completely. Thankfully, that coincided with a long stretch of sleep for her, which of course meant that I decided it was time to start a major project.
Well, the timing was maybe not ideal, but I really did want to MAKE rather desperately, and Anand has had the pieces for his new bed in boxes here for a week now. So yesterday I took apart his crib (easy, because Land of Nod makes it simple for you, and if anyone local needs a white drop-side sleigh crib in great condition, let me know). And then we started on the big endeavor of putting together a captain's bed and trundle from Bunk Bed King.
Five minutes into hauling all the parts up to the third floor, Kevin noted that perhaps, at this stage in our lives, it's worth paying a bit more to buy a bed from one of the fancier stores so they will bring the bed and install it for us. We're forty years old; we've put in twenty years of furniture assembly, and perhaps we have done our time now? Perhaps. But we had picked this bed, and we were stuck with it now.
Three hours and only a little swearing later, the bed was assembled and the trundle too. My arm felt like it was going to fall off after screwing in many tiny little screws. The scale claims I lost a pound and a half yesterday, which I'm guessing is more because I snatched meals while in the midst of nursing, but maybe I will put it down to my mighty exercise while wrestling bed components about. (I'm guessing it's really just water weight, and will be back tomorrow.) We still need to finish the drawers that go under the trundle, so I'm not going to bother posting a picture yet, but it was structurally sound and complete enough that the kids could use it last night.
They LOVED it -- for the last few weeks, Anand has been demanding that Kavya sleep in his room; I think he's entered the age of having nightmares, waking up, and being reassured by someone else in the room with him. Mostly, she's willing to do that, so she's had a mattress on his floor. Hence the whole trundle bed plan -- I'm figuring they'll do this some of the time for the next few years, and that when he's older, he'll want to have friends over for sleepovers.
The bed's a little large for the room, scale-wise; it would have been more aesthetically satisfying to have a smaller bed there. But the pleasure he'll get out of the trundle makes it worthwhile. And the pleasure I got from three solid hours of making yesterday was deep and satisfying, even though most of the actual process was tedious and annoying. Maybe we're not done with the furniture-assembly phase of our lives quite yet.
Today’s 40-year-old kids all tired from assembling one piece of furniture…
Glad that Kavya is doing ok.