The article will cover both local and diaspora writers, and is writing in English, local languages -- any language, really. So for example, if there's a Pakistani-Swiss diaspora author writing science fiction in Swiss-German, we'd love to know about her.
Are we to limit this to science fiction, or a broader range of SFF?
I’m mildly ashamed that I can’t think of anyone who isn’t Indian and isn’t immediately obvious (Anil himself, Vandana Singh, Manjula Padmanabhan, Payal Dhar, Samit Basu, Shweta Narayan?). If you’re including things that are weird and sort of Fantasy-ish, how about Kuzhali Manickavel (who has written at least one Proper SF story for children; it’s in a Scholastic India anthology)? Or there’s Aditya Bidikar, one of whose stories is here.
Have you seen the Wikipedia article on Bengali science fiction?
I hadn’t seen that, Aaron, thanks. And thanks, Aishwarya!