I was reading someone…

I was reading someone else's blog just now, and came across this sentence:

"I sat on my next-door neighbor's porch swing and read, the slats of the swing digging into my back, for hours. Years. I did it for years. They never seemed to mind that I was pretty much constantly on their porch....They still live there, in that lovely green house with the big wide porch and the white wicker furniture and the bridal veil bushes that dropped a confetti of tiny petals and yellow dust."

Reading that blog entry was so funny -- it was almost like the universe offering an immediate response to my permitting frustration. A promise of good things to come. 'Cause I read that entry and thought, hey. Hey! Next year, we'll have the lovely blue house with the big wide porch and the white wicker furniture and the bridal veil bushes. I've already spent time sitting on our porch swing, reading a renovation magazine. Books will come soon, for me, and then later, for Kavi and Anand -- and maybe some neighbor kids too, you never know. How cool is that?

Patience is not my strong suit, but for my lovely blue house with its big wide porch, I will somehow manage to wait.

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