To Do List -- 2009
Subject to Revision- WRITING
- write one short story/month
- write one poem/month
- start sending out poems
- finish draft of poetry chapbook
- finish draft of YA novel
- finish draft of AP
- continue turning AP chapters into essays and sending out
- continue work on mainstream novel
- continue work on writing book
- send out queries to parenting magazines
- apply for NEA Fellowship in Prose (March 5 deadline)
- collect and read/view all Sri Lankan diaspora literature/film on LTTE
- draft and revise paper
- submit paper
- polish up notes for Desi Book Cover talk and upload to website
- apply for LGBT grant
- apply for Great Cities grant
- set up "Chai" student group at UIC
- set up pan-Asian arts group at UIC
- finish website redesign (back end pages)
- respond to Serendib Press book queries; decide what, if anything, publishing this year
- enjoy partner, daughter, dog
- see friends regularly
- take care of self (eat well, exercise, get occasional (regular?) massages)