Had a great time at the cafe last night hearing Vivek Narayanan read -- it's also just so much fun hanging out with him, talking writing. This is one of the best parts of running an arts organization -- you get to meet writers you would never have met otherwise. Kirin Narayan last week, and now Vivek; such fun. And inspiring, too -- now I'm totally jazzed to go back to work on the Sri Lanka memoir. I only wish I could go spend some months in India, visiting all the writers he knows there -- sadly, I think while I'm in the baby phase of my life, long overseas trips will have to wait. But eventually, the kids will be going away to summer camp...or heck, maybe we'll take them with us to India. Hmm...
Vivek's wandered off to get himself coffee and a bagel, and I'm watching Kavi until Jarmila arrives. Then Vivek and I are going to meet Lori at the Book Cellar to get some writing done. Memoir, hopefully. Plus some prep for the first day of online class tomorrow. Then back here around mid-day to take over Kavi-watch, possibly go off to another poetry reading tonight, if I feel up to it. Or just hang out at home with Kevin and baby. Happy Friday.