I know that lately I’ve…

I know that lately I've been complaining and stressing a lot about how much there is to do and how little time there is to do it. And it's true, and I need a break, a real break, and as soon as I get a chance (which may not be until the quarter is over), I'm going to take it. I'm thinking a day at a spa and a night alone at a B&B, maybe try to write a new story. I definitely need that time to myself. But that said...

...I had a really nice day today. Kavi got me up a bit early, at 5:30, but she was in a good mood so we just hung out and listened to music and napped and ate and went for a walk and lay in the sun in the park and played with Ellie and sometimes I even got to read while Kavi was entertaining herself and I cleaned up the last of the party detritus so the house looks more like itself and I feel like I can think again. Eventually Kevin came home and took over so I could do my grading, so I'll be handing back my students' papers to them tomorrow, which is good, but mostly it was a lazy, snuggly day with sweet baby. And it was awfully good.

Now I know why people warn you that once the baby turns a year old, you start thinking, "Hey, that wasn't so hard, was it? We survived it. And she's so damn cute. Maybe we should do it again..."

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