Today, Jed'll come over at some point, we'll empty my car and I'll do a tiny bit of gardening. I should put away laundry and maybe clear out the tool closet so I can find my studfinder (yes, he already noted that I need a studfinder-finder) so we can put up some shelves. At some point, Kev and I go do car stuff while Jed watches Ellie; in the evening, a birthday-birthday-housewarming party. Should be a nice day. :-)
Side note: Nice entry with recipe for pizza, Sri Lankan-style. Mmm... He's totally right about Sri Lankans just dousing their regular slices in crushed red pepper. You can barely see my pizza for the red pepper some days. I want to try his!
sounds like you had a busy day. leave a note if you try a pizza at home 🙂
Sadly, not cooking so much these days. But someday! 🙂