Yesterday ended up being…

Yesterday ended up being a bit of a rough day; I don't know if baby's feeling cramped or what, but she spent hours and hours just shoving at ribs and such, making it difficult/painful to move around and do stuff. And there was stuff that had to be done. But I managed -- somehow got through classes, came home, left Ellie with Jed and went with Kev to Target where we picked up the last of the stuff on the baby list. (Or almost the last -- our registry says that someone bought us baby monitors, and Kev remembers seeing them in the house, he thinks, but we can't find them anywhere right now. Odd.) We now have diapers and baby shampoo and all those other little items that didn't seem worth trying to register for. I think we might actually be ready to have a baby, in practical terms, at least. Emotionally -- well, we'll see. :-)

In the evening, we did nothing; just rested and watched tv, and I fell asleep by 8:30. Slept a *lot* -- I just got up half an hour ago. Feeling rested, and so far, she's not shoving very much. The hope for today is to:

  • organize the nursery, which currently has stuff everywhere
  • catch up on urgent e-mail, which I haven't even looked at
  • do some admin work for Roosevelt, finishing some tasks
  • do laundry
  • possibly start grading final papers
  • have Jed help me empty and clean car, preparatory to possibly selling it
  • maybe write a little? :-)
We're going to go deal with the car stuff Saturday, since the place is up in Evanston, near Nilofer's -- she's having a party tomorrow evening (her birthday, Zara's birthday, housewarming).

In other news, huge congrats to Tim Pratt on selling a series and achieving financial stability; I'm so happy for both him and Heather (and their forthcoming little one). I know exactly how that feels; I remember getting the advance for Bodies in Motion and paying off my student loans and credit cards (in two separate chunks), and it was such a fabulous feeling. Financial stability is a beautiful thing. I'm looking forward to reading the books!

2 thoughts on “Yesterday ended up being…”

  1. Totally out of context from your post but…is there a way one can purchase the video of the Kriti conference? I’m an SA writer but couldn’t make it this year because of family etc. It would be great to be able to “attend”.


  2. Mary Anne Mohanraj

    Anita, we didn’t record the whole conference — just a few segments here and there. When we have a chance, we’ll put some excerpts up on our website, but we can’t just put up entire speeches and such without permission from the speakers, which I’m guessing they aren’t going to be okay with — usually that sort of thing is negotiated and paid for in advance… Sorry!

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