I did swing by my roof deck this morning -- the cherry blossoms are definitely done; they were such brief visitors this year, due to that untimely frost. Ah well. I can't tell whether the lilac will blossom or whether the frost got it too -- we'll see. At least we should have leaves on both of those soon, and then the roof won't look quite so bare. I finally got enough soil and mulch into all the pots, so it all looks much neater and more ready-to-go than it did, which is satisfying. And there are few plants going -- some lovely new helleborus potted with last year's artemisia, which is coming back vigorously, and a little basket of "Happy Chappy", a really charming groundcover rose in varied shades of apricot-orange, pink, and yellow. Other than that, mostly just some bulbs poking up from the soil; hopefully they'll keep going and turn into something interesting. Cross your fingers for my dahlias, daylilies, irises, and whatever else I may have planted last fall and forgotten about. (I plan to be much better about labelling things this year, because it's just very frustrating not having any clue where bulbs are (or what the names of various roses and such are)).
Okay, breakfast before grading -- that's a reasonable excuse, since pregnant ladies have to eat regularly. And then I read the stories for critique tonight, which is generally a pleasurable task. After that, perhaps tea will fortify me enough that I can face my stack of composition papers and reading responses...
This is the last big pile of them that I'll be writing comments on (since the final paper, they don't get back unless they ask for it back). After this, I won't be teaching composition again for oh, at least a year. Possibly four, if things go as expected. I do think comp. teaching is tremendously worthwhile, but I admit, I'll be very glad to take a break from it. You just end up drowning in papers; it's exhausting.