Rupal and Sam stopped by yesterday, and after much cable wire confusion, they and Kevin managed to get the big tv downstairs and it's all working fine now. It's very nice to have local friends. It's definitely a bit strange to have a huge tv in our living room, and right now, it seems like it dominates the space, but hopefully we'll get used to it soon. Or figure out some way to hide it. :-) On the plus side, it makes doing dishes a lot less painful when you can watch Battlestar Galactica while you're doing it.
Today's a schoolwork day -- I have a bunch of graduate program applications to read, and then there's workshop stories to read and critique, and two comp classes to prep for (re-read the essay we're discussing tomorrow, figure out a lesson plan for the class, mark up the essay responses they handed in last class).
There's also a lot of planning meetings going on -- a board conference call tomorrow for Rasaka, a staff meeting for Rasaka tomorrow evening, for which I will order pizza, and a planning meeting for SAPAC's Voices of Resistance on Thursday. All here, thankfully, so I don't have to go out into the cold. :-)
I think my life's starting to return to normal after all the medical issues and the first-trimester exhaustion. I actually feel like I might have time and energy to write on Wednesday, which would be very exciting. We'll see how it goes. Heck, if I'm efficient with my schoolwork today, I might even squeeze in an hour of writing time. Fingers crossed.