DesiLit Rapid-Fire Writing Contest
Just a quick reminder that entry fees for our 48-hr writing contest are due this Friday (8/11/06) at noon CST -- fees must be *received* by that time!Participants will receive an acknowledgement of receipt, and at noon tomorrow (Friday), one of our hardy volunteers will e-mail out the super-secret special theme and challenging bonus words to all participants. We will also post them on our website for your delectation. You will then have until Sunday noon CST to write and send in an entry in any one (or more than one) of the following categories: fiction (up to 5000 words), poetry (up to 2 pages typed), or drama (up to 15 pages typed in standard script format). (Please note that entries should be complete in and of themselves, not excerpts from or fragments of longer works.) Entries will be judged by discerning readers, a panel composed of three members of DesiLit Chicago (who are obviously not competing themselves).
Winners are selected on the basis of overall quality, use of theme, and creative but seamless use of bonus words. (You are not required to use all the bonus words, but if you can, it is likely to favorably impress the judges.) Winners will receive fabulous prizes, detailed here.
Further contest rules on that page. Winning entries will also have the option of being posted on our website as well (author's choice). Happy summer! Have fun! :-)