Nice dinner last night, and I may now have a lead on some research help for the next novel I'm tempted to write; Pireeni is going to talk to some folks for me. Fingers crossed. It's a novel that makes me nervous, because it centers more on politics than sex. But still mostly about family, so it's not too far away from my main areas of writing experience. We'll see what happens.
In the meantime, I'd like to write today, but have other work to do instead. I've just finished reading the revised student stories for my writing sf/f class, which really went quite well this summer, though a 4.5 hr class for 8 intensive Saturdays is definitely tiring to teach (and tiring for the students). But they all seemed quite enthusiastic about the class, even at the end, so I must have done a decent job despite the grueling pace. Makes me feel fairly confident about teaching at Clarion next summer; I think I can do it pretty well, though it'll be tough deciding what aspects of craft would be most useful to cover. I suppose if there's one thing I know better than others, it's character, though pov/structure is also definitely something of an obsession. Hmmm...
In any case, just handed in grades, so that's done. Three more things I should do this weekend, and tomorrow is looking quite busy with socializing and the reading at Other Change of Hobbit up in Berkeley, so better if I do them today.
I have to write and send out the checks for the SLF table at WisCon (finally). I have to write and send out the checks for DesiLit Magazine -- the first issue is scheduled to go up August 15; a little later than hoped, but still within our time window for a summer issue. Exciting. And finally, I've agreed to be a judge for a Sri Lankan-American kids' writing contest, so I have a bunch of pieces to read and evaluate. About seventy-five pages, so it shouldn't take too long.
Other than that, no other plans for today except to hang out with Jed once he's awake, maybe run an errand or two, and go to Santa Clara for a potluck dinner with some DesiLit folks. Busy visit so far! :-)