The weather was odd yesterday -- super-hot, too-warm-in-a-t-shirt weather. It was kind of nice as a little foretaste of summer, but I'm glad that after today (high of 73), it's supposed to drop back down to the 60's that are more normal for this time of year. Summer is nice enough, but it's spring I love, and I'm not ready to have it be over already, given that it just arrived. Also, spring thunderstorms are coming. I LOVE THUNDERSTORMS!!!
I got to have lunch with Susan Lee; she was in town visiting for a family reunion, and managed to drive down to my place (only delayed 45 minutes by driving around my neighborhood in circles, calling every ten minutes from a new location, utterly bewildered by my directions, finally figuring out that when I said 'blocks' I meant Chicago city blocks, and she was counting intersections, two completely different things, poor munchkin). We had salad and grilled asparagus and sweet potato chips and olives and sandwiches (roast beef with horseradish, tandoori chicken with garlic aioli) out on my patio, the first time I've actually eaten out there with a guest. It was lovely (though in retrospect, the roast beef sandwiches would have been better with a layer of roasted red peppers, and the chicken would have been better with grilled onions. Ah well -- next time). Fizzy Orangina to go with somehow made it all seem continental, and we finished up inside with tea and strawberries and chocolate cappucino truffles. Normally, Susan and I talk about writing, but while I was pleased to hear that she's still working on one of her Russian ballet novels, most of the conversation was actually about babies and houses and decorating. Tells you where our heads are right now! :-)
In the evening, I drove over to Satya's new place, because I was running late (due to discovering a puddle of water on the floor, which for a brief panicked while we thought was a result of puncturing the roof, but then Kevin reminded me that I'd semi-flooded the bathroom earlier in the day, and it was probably that. Fingers crossed. We can't afford to replace the roof, or even a little piece of it). It's goofy to drive, because she lives literally five blocks away now. I was pleased to arrive and find Sujata there, cheerfully working on her laptop in Satya's kitchen. She had just come over for the company. I love having neighbors! Satya and I then spent an hour rehearsing the song she's writing, based on my poem, "Invocation." She's written music for it that is lovely and haunting, sort of Loreena McKennitt-ish, and the plan is to perform it in three weeks with her singing, me on flute, and a friend of hers on guitar. I'll probably also be speaking the right-hand column of the poem. I love what she's done with it -- so far beyond anything I've managed in my pathetic attempts at composition. Clearly, it helps actually knowing something about music. :-) But I did manage to mostly play the flute, despite not having touched my poor instrument in at least two years. I didn't remember the fingerings for the high or low notes, and my embouchure is a disaster, but with some practice, I think I can get through a five-minute piece without embarrassing us too much. Satya has plans to record this in some fashion, so hopefully someday, y'all can hear it too.
Afterwards, Nilofer and various friends came by; I ate too much yummy guacamole and spicy chips, then a bit of also yummy rice and curry and spiced fresh mango. Mmm... Good conversation, cut short by my falling asleep on the couch at ten p.m. I dragged myself home and put myself to bed.
Today, rest, catch up on e-mail, rest, read, rest, write a little maybe, rest, boil eggs. This evening, seder with Kira, Sean, baby Miriam, and their local friends.