I did dress up and…

I did dress up and go to the Halloween party -- I went as my namesake, Marianne, from Sense and Sensibility; I've been empathizing a lot with her lately. Falling into weeping fits and the like. Though Nilofer recommended I be Eliza, from this moment in Pride and Prejudice: "How very ill Eliza Bennet looks this morning, Mr. Darcy," she cried; "I never in my life saw any one so much altered as she is since the winter. She is grown so brown and coarse!"

I like the costume (which I made many years ago), and I managed to successfully put up my hair for the first time, with the help of instructions from the net. I wish Kevin had told me that my lipstick was too red; it doesn't look period at all, I think. Oh well. And I actually forgot to wear my long black gloves, an offense that would no doubt have gotten me talked about, if people could have figured out what I was supposed to be. It startled me, how many people asked me that. After all the movies, I'd think it was fairly obvious. I guess people don't pay as much attention to clothing style as I thought.

The party was a good party, but I'm not sure I was a good guest; I was tired and groggy for much of it, and had a hard time hearing people over the music. Still, nice to meet a few new people; we had a long book discussion, which was pleasant. Also got to talk a bit more with some of the Kriti planning folks, getting to know them a bit better. It'll be lovely to just hang out with them once all the madness is over.

Reminder: Daylight Savings Time.

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