I think I haven't had a full night's sleep in five nights. And this morning was spent packing -- we must have almost fifty boxes packed already, and there still isn't a single room that's completely clear. Ugh. We have too much stuff. Kevin packed thirteen book boxes while I was gone, but mostly, it's me doing the packing. Which is fine; I find it satisfying in some ways, and it lets me sort as I go, deciding what we don't need to keep. But it is tiring.
One good thing about the packing is that it's helping a bit with keeping my mind off the fact that my editor supposedly read my novel draft this weekend (but hasn't called me yet), and that I gave my agent the first forty pages of the new nonfiction book on Friday (and he hasn't called me yet either). Argh.
On the plus side, my publicist just forwarded a nice note from an events coordinator at one of the bookstores where I'll be reading; she loved it, and said I was a great writer. :-) Yay!