Sleepy. We had a bit of…

Sleepy. We had a bit of a scare last night when the next door neighbor's fire alarm went off and we started smelling smoke. Kevin came and woke me up and we went to go check on things -- only to find that neighbor had just gotten home and was dealing with the pot of something that he'd forgotten on the stove. So no big deal, but that combined with the coughing meant not much sleep last night. Sigh.

Today is mostly in transit; I'm about to leave for the airport to fly East, then take a train to CT to spend two days at my parents' house. (I'll be leaving from NY on Sunday, hence the train element). Many many hours travelling today -- I'm hoping that I'll be good and take advantage of it to get a lot of writing done. I've got a decent chunk of words drafted on the nonfiction book; there's still tons more to write, but I think I have enough to show Bob. It all needs polishing and added coherence, though, so I'll work on that today and tomorrow. I did do some writing this last week, but not as much as I would've liked -- packing ate up a lot of time, as did futzing with photos.

I'll be on dial-up for the next few days, so minimal with the e-mail and posting. Be good while I'm gone. Play safe.

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