So the good news is official -- my book will be published in German! How cool is that?!
I'm not sure how many of the details I should be talking about, but the publisher is Rowohlt and Kindler, and while I don't get any money up front, it does get applied against my advance (just like normal sales in the U.S. will), and I'm now more than halfway to earning out my advance. Which is just so lovely, I can't tell you. It's every author's fear, that they won't earn out their advance, and that no publisher will want to buy a book from them again. This foreign sale is a great sign to HarperCollins about the possible success of my book, and will hopefully give them even more confidence in the book (and perhaps lead to larger print runs and/or spending more publicity money).
Anyway, I need to head off to the conference and will be offline the rest of the day, I think. Talk to you soon...
That’s so awesome to have a small weight lifted off your shoulders to earn out your advance.
Wow! That’s great.
Hi mary,
I was at the conference this weekend– although I couldn’t stay long enough for your reading, i saw you when you asked your question to shashi tharoor.. i was wondering– if you’d like to expand the idea of the “anxiety of being indian” in your journal.
i left the conference becoz honestly– (no offesne intended) i got suffocated with the whole idea of “being indian” and describing something as south asian. why can’t people take books for that its worth is? can’t a book just be good or bad?
in your journal, as an writer- can you please expand on these ideas?