Despite my cranky mood this morning, I have to admit that there were quite a few nice parts to last night's dinner. Kevin was very helpful once his hockey game was over, searing meat, making wasabi-creme fraiche, helping with the martinis, even cleaning up a last few things. (Apparently the Sharks won, yay Sharks. Kev's from San Jose.)
There was looking at old photos and taking new ones. Priya and Neiliya Aunty both found photos of mine they wanted to take away with them, which I graciously allowed.
There was playing with the adorable kids, who were in a pretty good mood. Ashwini (pictured below) in particular liked all the candles and the mangos and the sesame wonton crackers. Inesh mostly liked having Adrian carry him, though Kevin took a turn or two as well, as you can see. And hey, though I still want to lose about fifteen pounds, it's really nice to be able to look halfway decent in photos again. There was a while there when it was just scary. Mirna poses below with open mouth near the chicken-mango wontons.
There was eating the food and talking about the food and talking about other food and my cousin Nimmi wanting to buy copies of my cookbook (which I didn't sell her, because I want to take all the copies I have to WisCon, but afterwards I will). And also, if I understood her right, wanting to buy copies of the new collection too, which is even more satisfying in its own way.
Oh, and Nimmi just heard that she's been accepted to a graduate program at Georgetown, very exciting, so we got to celebrate that too, with green tea mochi ice cream which Nimmi found for us in a Thai grocery store. Mirna made mango martinis again, which went over quite well with both aunts and cousins. And I think we convinced Neiliya Aunty that as long as we don't put any raw fish in, sushi is quite acceptable. We'll keep working on her. :-)