I spent most of yesterday working pretty diligently, mostly random administrative stuff (sending out stories, paying bills, etc). Reasonably caught up from the week or so out of town. This morning I woke up oddly early, around 6 -- that wouldn't necessarily be early, except that Kevin and I both ended up going to bed around midnight last night, which of course meant that what with the talking and such, we didn't go to actual sleep until after 1. It was a good conversation, a little dinner party planning (I'm having a small dinner at Jed's place when I visit the Bay Area, to celebrate my cookbook launch) followed by a discussion of me and writing and literary aspirations and such. Generally heartening. :-) He actually thinks I have a shot of eventually becoming as good as I want to be -- though he thinks maybe I should spend more time actually writing. Heh.
I had vaguely intended to get up this morning and get right to writing -- but instead I ended up following up on a bunch of Foundation e-mails. That's okay -- that needed to get done too. And there's still plenty of time in the day for writing. We'll see how it goes.