Lots of het stuff, of course, including a few poly-type things. Three that could be described as genre (F) -- about as many as I think I can squeeze in without the balancing starting to feel off. Four or five poems -- still making final decisions on a few of those, since they don't affect word count significantly. At this point, it all comes down to balance. The last twenty or so stories I rejected this morning were all good stories, just as good as some of the ones I'm planning on taking -- it comes down to trying to decide which ones play well against each other, which ones don't repeat the themes of others too much. Balance is tricky, and I'm not sure it's something I really have down yet. It's not like there's any editing school to go to! :-)
Cooking when I'm not editing this morning; making patties to test for the cookbook. I have a few last dishes I have to test, and which I've been putting off because they're a) a lot of work, and b) not diet food. But if we're sending the manuscript in on 11/1, then I just have to suck it up and cook them. Maybe Kevin will eat it all. Maybe it's time to have a party.