Hey, munchkins. So, I…

Hey, munchkins. So, I slept, oh, almost eleven hours last night, and today I'm actually starting to feel somewhat more like myself. I utterly failed to get that abstract done yesterday -- I'm going to drop them a note and see if they'll take it a day late. If not, c'est la vie. I mostly spent yesterday half-dozing in front of the tv, with a few hours out to go pick up a stranded friend at the airport. It was nice getting out, actually -- we had gorgeously warm weather yesterday, and I was driving with the sunroof open and both front windows down, with a killer breeze coming through. I love wind -- if I didn't find motorcycles terrifyingly unsafe, I'd want a motorcycle just for the amount of wind you get. I probably should've gotten a convertible when I got this car. But this was almost as good. A few people have asked if I was doing anything nice for myself -- well, today I'm going to go spend a chunk of money on a really nice haircut from a really nice salon (Salon Buzz, recommended by Lisette's sister, an extremely hip photographer chick, native to Chicago). I don't know how short it's going to go -- we'll see what the stylist recommends. I'm excited about it, actually. :-) And tomorrow night, Kev and I are going somewhere fancy for dinner -- but that's at least half for our anniversary, as well as for the exam. Mostly for the anniversary, actually -- it feel premature to celebrate the exam until I know the results. Fingers crossed.

One of you sweet things did ask if you could get me something nice. You could, since I always love presents, but my birthday's coming up in just two-and-a-half months, and I'm perfectly happy waiting for that. :-) But in the interim, if you're feeling the need to buy a present, the Oakland public library needs books! I bought them Darwin's Radio (mostly 'cause I know the author) and a Byron: Life and Legend ('cause Byron's just so sexy), for the Piedmont branch. I used to go to that library, when I lived in Oakland -- sometimes I would just hang out and read, sometimes I would take my laptop and write. It was nice to have someplace to go where I didn't feel the obligation to buy a $3 cup of coffee in order to justify my table space -- there were times when that would have been a financial hardship. Now that it's no longer a hardship, it's lovely to be able to give something back to the library -- I felt a surprisingly intense feeling of satisfaction, buying them two books and including a little good-luck note. I hope library patrons enjoy them for years and years to come.

Okay -- off to peruse restaurant reviews, and then go get my haircut. Plan for the afternoon -- clean apartment. Send off abstract note. Cook dinner (have been eating stuffed pizza from Giordano's for days and days). Plan for tomorrow -- drive up to Milwaukee with Roshani and Zoe, to keep them company while Roshani looks at houses. Come back in good time for anniversary dinner. Plan for Thursday -- think about returning to writing fiction. It's been a while. :-)

1 thought on “Hey, munchkins. So, I…”

  1. I’m way behind on your journal (but catching up now!), but I had a convertible for a while, and it was great. The only problem was that I only drove about 5K miles per year, so it just wasn’t worth the extra expense, especially in terms of maintenance. I’m trying to sell it now, where by “trying” I mean “will some day get off my ass and start trying”. Definitely liked the experience, though.

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