I also updated the main page to make all this clearer to people who come directly there, and signed up Fred Bush to do Breuse Sans Pitie (and no, I don't actually remember who that is -- guess I'll find out)...
Heh. If we were actually trying to be more consistent and accurate throughout, then this wouldn't be a bad teaching tool for learning more about King Arthur, etc. Of course, I wouldn't recommend pointing the kiddies to it...
Mary Anne,
Noticed that the HOME link on the very bottom of the front page does not work on the domain version. Take a look here:
Hmm…thought I fixed that. Try refreshing your page?
Okay! Works fine now.
Oooookay. The Holy Grail Part one is done! Will get it uploaded when get home and let you know.
Can you say am v. obsessed with this pervy thing? If you don’t mind, Mary Anne, and if *no one else wants them* — would you please sign me up tentatively for Morgause and Mordred? Heeeheee!