Argh. I am currently…
Argh. I am currently hating deadlines. The IRS deadline. My book deadline. And the Hugo-nominating deadline -- if you want to nominate for the Hugos, and didn't go to ConJose last year, you must become an attending or supporting member of TorCon by January 31st, which is tomorrow. Tomorrow! And if you do not do such, then you won't be able to nominate me as Best Editor (representing Strange Horizons, and if you think Jed or Susan or Chris or any of my other editors are better editors, that's fine and you're probably right, but they all request that you please nominate me instead, thank you very much, so we have a shot at getting on the actual ballot), or be able to nominate any of the SH stories as best short stories or best novellettes. Which would be sad. Tragic, even.