Still no word from my editor. So, a little unclear on what I'll be doing today. There was some discussion of going shopping, actually -- Roshani's a little short on nice clothing, and there should be good sales today. She's going to call me back and let me know if she's actually up for that. If so, I'll go with her -- we might take Zoe with us, which should be a fun time. If not, then I think exam reading -- I have such a big stack of books, after all. I might lose myself in something eighteenth century; that sounds rather appealing. The letters of Lady Montague Wortley, for example. Or, if I jump forward a bit, I have such delectable choices as Disraeli's Sybil, Thackeray's Vanity Fair, or Cervantes's Don Quixote. Hmmm...
All sounds good. Will have to poke through and see what appeals.