Did I mention that I’ve…

Did I mention that I've been in a good mood all day? I don't really know why, although I do know that when I woke up this morning, it was from a complex dream in which all kinds of things were happening, and in which I was about to become king. I was heir apparent, or some such. :-) Nice to see the dreams falling in line with reality, even if they are a bit behind the times...

In other news -- well, got lots done today. Scrubbed the bathtub! For the first time since...well, since I moved in here, which is sort of embarrassing to admit. Maybe you should pretend you didn't read that. The apartment is amazingly, appallingly clean. I feel like some lifestyle magazine should be wandering around photographing the place and commenting on how clean it is. I would be lounging on the loveseat eating bonbons and reading the current New Yorker (in actuality, I am amazingly far behind on those), and would say, "Oh, really? You think so? That's funny -- I never do anything around here..." That'd be a nice life, wouldn't it?

Not that I can complain about my actual life. After my morning of cleaning, I took myself off to Borders (somehow I didn't actually leave the apartment until 3, which I blame on Kevin installing MT Newswatcher on my computer (ostensibly as a favor to me, but I suspect in actuality to get even more time when he might as well be alone in the apartment since I'm so lost in computer stuff)). I had laptop in tow, but discovered the latest Tamora Pierce novel out in hardcover (Lady Knight), so I promptly found a comfy windowseat and read it. Until 6ish. When I got peckish I ordered lobster bisque (I can't eat seafood at home because the smell makes Kevin queasy, so I tend to order it when I'm eating out these days, and it feels like such a lovely indulgence), which surprisingly came with a croissant -- which I then had to eat, of course, because it would be wrong to waste food. Borders does a surprisingly tasty lobster bisque. For a bookstore, at any rate. It was such an indulgent time.

Once I'd finished the book, I did actually pull out my computer and write for a few hours. I'm now up to 18,770 words on the CYO novel, which means that it's only about 4000 words to the halfway point -- which is only four hours work, in theory. I really might finish half of the book this week, which is astonishing. Had a nice intense run on the book, too -- I'm almost done with the peep show storyline. Wrote a fun scene where Kathryn is in a private booth with a guy (separated by glass) and he asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend who has to be out of town...so she basically ends up talking through a sex scene for him on the speaker, very similar to phone sex. Sometimes the writing goes really slowly, and sometimes it goes quick quick, y'know? I felt remarkably inspired for this one. Kathryn had a good time too. :-)

She's kind of a odd girl, that Kathryn. Seems like such a nice Indiana girl on the surface, but it's just amazing what she can get up to when she puts her mind to it...

(Funny note -- I was glancing at a local newspaper the other day, and a headline said, "Indian woman abandons child..." or some such. And I was a little startled -- I mean, why the heck would a Chicago paper be commenting on something like that happening in India? Or, if it happened here, it seemed strange that they'd refer to this woman by her ethnicity. Of course, it actually said "Indiana woman." I think most of the time when I see Indiana, I tend to leave off the final 'a.' Goofy.)

Other than that, came home late, ate dinner, watched the recorded Enterprise -- cute, if silly, episode. T'Pol's great-grandmother in 1950's America. I keep wishing they could do film versions of Ishmael (a really decent classic Trek novel where Spock goes back to frontier America, sans memory) or Strangers from the Sky (a classic Trek novel that has a whole bunch of them going through this massively complicated secret history plot in 20th century America). But of course, all the classic Trek actors are way too old to pull it off now. Very sad.

I was up 'til 1-ish last night (all Jed's fault, since we spent three pleasant hours on the phone yesterday), and so now it's almost midnight and I'm still wide awake. Too scattered to try to write more fiction, I think, so I suppose it'll be more tv, which will hopefully mellow me out. Fingers crossed. Hope y'all had a good day, munchkins, and that tomorrow is even better...

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