I sent an e-mail to Skiffy -- the University of Chicago sf group -- yesterday; three of my old friends responded and said they were still in Chicago and would be happy to get together once I'm in town. How nice! I'm still trying to figure out how many people I know there: Kevin and Roshani and Tom, of course, my cousins Romi and Nimmi and Pamela and Adrian, Heather B. and Aaron and Mike S. (who just wrote to me) (oh no, another Heather to keep track of!), Todd and Brandy (math people), that's all the definites. But then there are the maybes...like, is any of Lisette's family around? Not sure if any of her siblings are living in town. I'm very fond of her younger sister, Dolly. (Yes, that's her name. I don't know what her parents were thinking. They're very sane otherwise.) What about Katherine Riley? Mike Hanneman? Any of the rest of the old UCBU (U of C bi union) crowd? And surely there are more skiffyites...like Ken and Sheila, perhaps? Oh, and speaking of Sheilas, Roshani has a friend there named Sheila who I rather liked and wouldn't mind spending more time with...
It's not Salt Lake City, I can tell you that. My department friends are great, but they're a) in my department, and b) so transient! And aside from them...well, I think Carol's my only other real friend here. Weird, huh, after three years? Some places you just don't make so many friends.
I'm also happy for other reasons. One reason is obvious; Alex H. (American Alex) is visiting. He came in last night; we went out for nice Italian. This morning we'll probably have breakfast at Cucina (once he's up and moving :-), and then I think I may coerce him into helping me pick up boxes so I can start packing. He's an entomologist by trade, so I think we'll spend the afternoon at the natural history museum -- it's on campus, so I can give him a taste of campus in the process, and it's a terrific museum. Small, but fascinating. Dinosaurs! I haven't been there in a year, since Karina was last here. Should be fun. Home by 4-ish, to make dinner; Paul and Marcia are coming over for curry. And we might possibly go out after that; there's a department group birthday party over at the pub -- we'll see what Alex feels like doing.
The other reason I'm happy I can't tell you yet. It's a secret. A very secret secret. Just for a few more days, until the other relevant people can be informed. But it's a good thing. A very good thing. It will make quite a few people very happy. Bounce bounce bounce bounce!