Jeez, now Zak's reading semiotics. What have I done?
Had a pleasant day yesterday. I did, in fact, go to the gym. I signed up for a bike class. I attended the bike class. I bicycled the entire time, and blithely ignored all instructions from the instructor to turn up the resistance. I got off the bike after an hour and almost fell over. I used my legs very gently the rest of the day, taking a long hot bath in the late afternoon. Orange bubble bath. Rubber ducky. Sunshine on the water. Mmm...
They still hurt today. If I ever get to redesign the universe, I'm going to significantly reduce the pain quotient, dangit. There's got to be a better way to make us learn not to leave our hands on hot stoves or date men who are bad for us...
I also got new glasses yesterday! And contacts! (Somehow, not teaching this spring is giving me enough time to do all sorts of little things that I've been meaning to do forever.) I needed the glasses; my current ones have bent frames and tend to fall off my face. Very annoying. Fine for back-up glasses, but no good for everyday. The new ones are very light and cute. I'm not sure how often I'll use the contacts, but it'll be nice to have the option for parties and presentations and such. Especially presentations -- it doesn't matter so much if I can't really see people at parties, but if I'm giving a talk, I want to see everyone.
Speaking of talks, Mirna (my middle sister) has just been asked to give a small speech at a dinner her boss is doing. Something like that. I'm not sure of the details, but it's an honor. Yay, Mirna! My sisters are so cool. Mirna's in her next-to-last year of med school now; she'll be a doctor before me. (And a real doctor too.) Ah well...that's what happens when you're competent and motivated, instead of being a slacker like me. :-)
Various other craziness going on. List meeting this afternoon with Robin; need to revise my list before then. Plans are heating up for WisCon -- at this point, I'm committed to four events: reading and commenting for the Writer's Respite Friday morning, hosting the Broad Universe rapid-fire reading Friday afternoon, hosting the SH tea party Sunday afternoon, hosting the Carl Brandon party Sunday night. Plus any panels they put me on, of course. Plus doing some art between now and then for the art show. I have a few pieces ready, but there are some more that I really wanted to do; I should get off my butt and get going on them.
Okie, more chatting later, work now. Later, munchkins...