Had a nice day yesterday, though it all seemed to go very quickly. Read and finished Point of Dreams, wonderful -- if you liked Ellen Kushner's Swordspoint, then I highly recommend this series. Though I think the point thing is a coincidence. :-) Did a significant chunk of work on the Melcher project, almost done with this second draft. Packed and mailed Karina's Valentine's Day present, fingers crossed that it arrives in time. Bought David's birthday presents (and gave them to him almost a month early, which is just silly, but also sort of practical -- I knew he wouldn't mind). Started reading Kelly Link's Stranger Things Happen -- so far, my favorite story is "Flying Lessons". It, like many of the others, ends earlier than I expect it to, but at least with this one, I'm reasonably certain I know what'll happen afterwards...or if I don't, I'm content anyway, because at least I know the protagonist and what and how she's going to try to proceed. An odd sort of satisfaction, but there it is. Speaking of Kelly, she'll be reading at Other Change in Berkeley at 7 p.m. on 2/21 -- recommend you attend, if you can. She's charming, and reads well, and has great shoes.
Then had Vietnamese food with Tim and Heather -- mostly talked shop, but in the end, talked crafts with Heather and her sister Holly (when we went back to Heather's place and had peppermint tea). Admired poetry collage Heather made for Holly. Encouraged Heather to make some things for WisCon art show. Pleasant evening.
Came home, ended up talking to David until late-ish. Went to bed after midnight, and he went to bed even later. Both somewhat groggy today. But must work hard and steadily nonetheless, because at 2:30 we traipse off to see FotR -- he hasn't seen it! I get to see it again! Yay!
Happy Friday, munchkins...