Next, fellowship stuff; then I write a crit for tonight's class. I'm a bit nervous of what they'll think of those two stories; I like 'em, but in some ways, they're commercial, exactly, but, I dunno -- not as clearly literary as some of my stuff. They're full of sex and love and death, in moderately dramatic ways. I think that's okay; I think I've been a little afraid of putting that kind of thing into literary stories, for fear of it seeming like a cheap trick. But literature is about life, and a decent chunk of life is about sex and love and death, so there y'are. They'll just have to cope. At least if they hate them, I have the comfort of knowing that some of you liked them. I do so appreciate those comments...
Will be out from 2:00 'til 9:30 or so, if any burglars are curious. :-) But I have a very wary landlord next door.