Elissa arrives for the weekend tomorrow (college roommate, married to Bryan, U Chicago mathematician, also a friend of ours). I haven't seen her in quite a while, and I'm looking forward to it -- and at the same time, I feel like I have no time. I'm not going to let that stop us having a good time, though. Though she may need to do some Christmas shopping while I grade papers...
I should update you guys on the last couple of days, but really, it's just working. Lots and lots of it. I'm so tired that I can't think straight, so even though it's only 9 p.m., I think I'm gonna go to bed. Tomorrow morning I have about six hours before she arrives; if I focus, I should be able to get a lot done. That's the theory, at any rate.
I did manage to do a first revision on "Savariian and the Aliens", btw, in the Cinncinnati airport when I got stuck there for four hours Monday night. Mechanical difficulties. Story of my week.
Did I mention that I missed my bus this morning, and therefore didn't get to class in time to catch my students before they took off? And that although I had the Soros application finished and in my hand and ready to stick in the mailbox today (the deadline), I somehow never managed to actually put it in a mailbox? It's sitting on my dining table. I don't even know if it's worth putting it in the mail tomorrow.
Okay, too tired to do anything useful, clearly. Bed.