The book boxes all got shipped; the others are packed but weren't sent off because UPS said I could call until midnight, but they apparently meant midnight in some other time zone, 'cause when I called at 9:20 they weren't answering. So I scheduled the pickup for Monday, and David has kindly volunteered to sit at the House all day until they come (they can only specify that they'll be here some time between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. which I think is pretty pathetic for a global corporation). It will be very nice to have all my stuff, though I will need to buy more bookshelves (as always. The quest for bookshelves never ends).
I'm still feeling a bit wobbly, but I'm keeping down food today, which is a distinct improvement. I have 92 papers waiting for me, though, which is enough to make me queasy all over again. 15 minutes minimum per paper = 23 hours. I told my munchkins that I'd try to get them their papers by Monday; they have another one due Wednesday. We'll see. The next two weeks are going to be very busy. I'm going to try to spend about five hours a day on them for the next five days. We'll see if it works.
I also still need to find/read Barthes' Camera Lucida for tomorrow's class, which is going to eat up some time. Hopefully Kev can run me to the bookstore this afternoon; if not, then I may just go home and pick it up tomorrow morning. I had hoped to have dinner with Susan again (we did last Thursday, and it was lovely), but I think I should not plan to socialize again until Sunday.
Despite the nausea, the trip was worthwhile. California was lovely; it was great seeing people, *and* I was looking forward to coming back to my apartment here. Kevin kept the fish alive for me, and it was actually really nice flopping into my bed last night, even if I was alone in it. It was *my* bed, not someone else's. That never used to bother me; I'd visit people and crash on couches or strange beds and I'd be fine -- I guess I still am, but I'm appreciating a little more the comforts of home. Getting older, I guess. A little less adaptable.
Now I'd better adapt to doing some grading, though. Will talk to y'all later (my kids give me the funniest looks in class when I say 'y'all'. Or 'time's a-wastin''. They're adapting, though. :-)