I've felt behind for weeks, but finally, things are starting to get settled. There's hardly anything left to do to make my apartment live-able (sp?). All of the overdue bills have been paid. I've done most of the forms I need to do to grade/track my classes effectively; I'm planning to finish those this afternoon. All of those help immensely.
I'm even starting to have some sort of a social life. Last night I went to a Creative Writing department potluck, which was lots of fun (they liked the potato curry :-), and then a prose/poetry reading, which was pleasant. I enjoyed both the authors reading, and it just felt so nice and civilized to have some wine with dinner and then listen to people read their work. And tonight I'm going to go see some movies with some of the department people. Folks sure are friendly here in Utah... :-)
Gotta go teach -- today we're starting discussions on obedience/disobedience, preparatory to their first essay on that subject. My morning class got into the discussion, and I suspect the others will too; should be a fun day. Of course, I still have a stack of quizzes to grade, but I can wait 'til the weekend to deal with those.
Have a good weekend, everyone! Happy Friday!
3:15. Am I a total egoist? Why do I spend time doing things like this when I could be working instead? Let's hope it's just a compulsion for order and organization.