Hey, my dears. Well, I…

Hey, my dears. Well, I called in sick today. I really waffled about it, because I could use the money, but I just couldn't face the commute. Couldn't do it. If I could have been magically showered, dressed and teleported to the office, maybe. I need to find a closer job, or at least one that doesn't require bus, BART, and bus again to get there. This is ridiculous.

Of course, I have a phone interview this evening for a job that would require all of that, but it will probably pay almost twice what I'm making now. Maybe that'll make it worthwhile. Maybe I can telecommute some days. We'll hope. Wish me luck...

I probably ought to just stay in bed, but I can't believe it's all that more tiring to sit at a computer and type, so I'm going to try and get through the last big chunk of backlogged e-mail today. That has the double benefit of a) making me feel useful and b) hopefully making me stress less, 'cause I won't have things hanging over me.

We've had so many volunteers for CS, mostly for poetry editing, and it looks like we won't need them. Kirstin's back! Huzzah! So we have only one art editor position available... I'm not sure about poetry -- they haven't gotten back to me yet. Hopefully today.

There are so many little things to do for CS. I should make a list, but I can't even think of them all off-hand; they'll mostly be triggered by e-mails as I go through them. Things like getting the bookstore and archive people added to our internal mailing list. Hey, speaking of mailing lists, we've started one for CS, a weekly update. In addition to reminding you what's going up, we'll also be adding in bits of behind-the-scenes gossip and extra stories/poems from the staff. It should be fun -- if you want to be on that, drop me a line and let me know. It's bcc'd, so your privacy is reasonably protected, and the subject line won't ever have anything racy. :-)

I'm thinking about changing the format of this journal. Now, don't panic -- this should make things better for y'all. I've been reading so many journals lately, and I've realized I really prefer having separate entries for each day, as well as a current entry page and a monthly collection. I don't *think* it'll be that much effort to switch over to that, and I think it'll make it much easier for you guys to catch up if you miss a few days, and easier for people to link to specific entries. I'm not going to change the ones that have been already done, but starting in February I hope to be on the new system.

(What, another six hour project, Mary Anne? Just how many hours do you think there are in the day, anyway?


Hmm...feeling a bit spacy. Hope I don't say anything stupid as I answer e-mail for lack of coherent thought. Hopefully people will forgive me if I do...

I'll probably check back in here later today. In the meantime, hope you're all healthier than I am as you start your week. I'm going to go eat the last of the pumpkin walnut bread and drink some more tea, I think.

6:30. Well, half an hour 'til my interview, and I think I'm just about ready to stop working. I meant to rest some, really I did, but I was getting so much accomplished, I didn't want to stop...

Revised and sent out two essays, "Beyond the Kama Sutra" and "I Don't Take AIDS Seriously" for an anthology, _Sex and the Single Girl_. Sent out the story "Minal in Winter" and the poem "Pre-Med" to the Asian Pacific American Journal. Got through a whole lot of mail. Sorted a fair number of papers. Got things in hand for the next issue of Clean Sheets. We'll have a new artist in February! Huzzah! Set up a prototype comments page.

If y'all would like to be my beta testers, you can swing by CS, go to the "About Us" section and click on "Reader Comments". We need to make some changes still, I think, but feedback would be welcome. Don't write anything long there, as I may end up erasing it all as I do reformatting. I'll let you know when the final version is there.

I managed to re-read a children's book, Diane Duane's _So You Want to Be a Wizard_, mostly over lunch and while waiting for things to print or download or upload. I've hardly left my desk since 7 a.m. If only all this industry made me money, I'd be all set. :-)

I did pause to have some dinner too -- Cliff gave me a can of chicken soup with matzo balls this morning and sternly instructed me to finish it before he got home. I tried to protest that I had chicken curry, but he informed me that it just wasn't the same. You know what? He's right. I had the curry for lunch, and it was delicious, but there's just something about chicken soup with matzo balls...I think Jews make the best comfort food. Steaming loaves of challah. A nice rich kugel, with onions or raisins. Latkes with applesauce and sour cream. And always, the chicken soup. It's almost like being hugged by your food...

I'm going to just read a little after the interview, I think, and then a very early to bed. Maybe if I sleep ten hours I'll be okay tomorrow.

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