Morning, dears. I’m…

Morning, dears. I'm almost completely caught up on my mail, which is something I guess -- small consolation for having done hardly anything on my todo list for the week. Ah well -- I'm rested, anyway. I'm currently reading Mark Twain's _Roughing It_ for class. I like it, some, but I find that I'm having a hard time reading a whole book of Twain. Sure, almost every line is funny, but I haven't figured out what overall purpose there is to the book. Connecticut Yankee had a plot, after all...this one seems to be mere rambling. Maybe a plot will emerge, however -- I'm only about 40 pages in right now. I do suspect that his strength lies in shorter work -- ah, that jumping frog...

Today I'm dragging David off to the woods. I'm finally going to go see the really big trees, the ones I thought were redwoods but which Kevin firmly informs me are in fact giant sequoias. We're going to Muir Woods, which doesn't have the biggest ones, but the ones they have will do me just fine, I think. 12 feet in diameter! Refrain from the phallic jokes please, my darlings. Muir Woods has the advantage of only being about 45 minutes away, but sometime I do want to get down to Yellowstone.

I hope it doesn't rain. I guess we can sit in the car and look at the trees, but...well, maybe I'll just get drenched.

This is very late notice, but I just heard about it. In case any of you are interested -- I'm afraid I'm already committed for that day:

Saturday, March 28, 1998, 8:30 am
Hastings College of Law
Alumni Reception Center
200 McAllister Street
San Francisco, CA  94102

The Hastings Women's Law Journal invites you to attend our 1998
Symposium.  This event promises to be a dynamic and insightful look at
some of the complex and pressing issues surrounding sex work from
various feminist perspectives.

Join attorneys, sex workers, activists, and scholars in exploring and
discussing feminist theory -- its limitations and possibilities,
decriminalization of prostitution, and effective strategies for
empowering and organizing sex workers.

Tentative Schedule

8:30 -- 9:00    Bagels and Coffee
9:00 -- 9:15    Introductory Remarks
9:15 -- 10:45   First Panel, "Sexual Labor and Feminist Theory"
        Cynthia Chandler, J.D., Director, Women's Positive Legal Action
        Elizabeth Burnstein, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
        Melanie Simmons, Florida State University, Dept. of Sociology
        Rebecca Eisenberg, J.D., Free Lance Writer
        Moderator:  Eileen Scallen, Academic Dean, UC Hastings
11:00 -- 12:30  Second Panel, "Decriminalization and Prositution as
        Carol Leigh, Activist, Videographer, COYOTE (SF)
        Norma Jean Almadover, Executive Director, COYOTE (LA); Co-Chair,
                for the Organizing Committee for the 1997 International
Conference on Prostitution
        Susal Breall, San Francisco Deputy District Attorney
        Moderator:  To be Confirmed
12:30 -- 2:00   Lunch
2:00 -- 3:30    Third Panel, "Sex Workers and the Labor Movement"
        Margo St. James, Founder COYOTE (SF)
        Johanna Bryer, Co-Founder, Exotic Dancers Alliance; Graduate
                Student, UC Berkeley
        Miles Locher, State Labor Commission Attorney
        Moderator:  Reuel Schiller, Prof. of Law, UC Hastings
3:45    Reception for Panelists, Attendees, and HWLJ Alumni

PHOTO EXHIBIT, Dawn Passar, Exotic Dancers Alliance

Registration Fee:  $10 (fee wived for Hastings Faculty, all students
with valid ID, EDA and COYOTE memebers, and fellow workers)

Lunch:  $10
MCLE (certification pending):  $50

For more details about the Symposium, please contact Minal Shah,
Symposium Editor, at (415) 551-4160.

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