Today more e-mail handling, writing very belated letters to my sister and Karina and others. Really need to be more prompt -- turns out I missed a chance for a documentary on women who produce erotica because I was too slow to respond. Darn it. Also, my sister graduates high school June 8th, so I have no idea if she'll get her e-mail before she goes. We'll see.
Starting to get hungry, so soon will break for lunch. Then the plan for this afternoon is to try to revise some old stories. If that fails, I may update my web page some more -- added another item to the Amusing section yesterday. At six is the UCBU (U of C Bisexual Union) meeting, where I'll meet another group of old friends, with any luck, if any of them still live around here and show up to meetings. I really should have stopped by all the meetings when I first arrived, but ah well. What can you do?
Sherman arrives tomorrow, I think, or maybe late tonight. It's his 5-year reunion at Chicago this year, so he'll be here for the weekend festivities. Should be fun.
That's it for now -- talk to y'all later!