- An Agnostic’s Easter Morning
- Blue Spring Thinking
- Brief Reunion
- The Case Against Entropy
- Child Seen Through a Glass, Darkly
- *Cobalt Blue
- Delayed Warmth, Much Wished For
- Dissolving Castles (a villanelle)
- Dogwood Drift
- Dropping Dishes
- Emotion Triumphs Over Form
- Final Farewell
- Five Years Into It, She Considers
- Fractured Haiku
- I have not said enough fond goodbyes
- Leaf and Tide
- love once rising bright
- The Lover Speaks, Again (sonnet)
- Memory Tears Upon Close Examination
- *My Dad is Scared of Dragons (kids’)
- My Friends Call Me a Fool
- No Solace, Even in Words
- One Week After Departure
- Pity the Children
- Reassurance (sonnet)
- Snake Swallowing Its Tail
- Sri Lanka, Summer of ’96
- Sweet Innocent Goes Hungry Again
- The Lover Speaks, Again
- The Taste of Him
- Tentative Conclusion: Love is More Powerful
than Poetry - Unabashed Paean
- Untitled
- *You’ll Understand When You’re Older, Dear
- You’ll Understand…(Finnish translation)
Again, please feel free to write me with comments or critique at:
More poems.