Raining this morning, so I used an umbrella for my walk out to the writing shed. I plan to spend most of the morning out here — I have a library board Zoom meeting at 9, for our intergovernmental collaboration group. It’s cool and rainy outside, warm and cozy inside, especially now that my art glass guy (John Curran) has repaired the broken window, woot. (I didn’t secure it and it blew against the neighbor’s fence in a storm and shattered, totally my fault.)

Perfect. Makes me miss our old house in Oakland, this weather.

iGov meeting — DONE

Other hopeful plans for the weekend:


– hopefully finish drafting a new SF story, “Hush.” (No relation to the Buffy episode of that same title — do you think that title is too iconic and need to change mine?)
– revise a food essay and send it to a published food writer friend for her opinion

– work on my Wild Cards outline due 9/15


– assemble bike rack and storage racks, finish organizing garage (planning to enlist family to help with this) — IN PROGRESS

– finish putting away laundry (including finishing seasonal shift)


– do fabric cutting for the next several mask orders (while watching the first episode of _Away_, the new Netflix show about a mission to Mars) — IN PROGRESS
– cut up latest batch of marshmallows (Kavi says she’ll help) and roll in powdered sugar — IN PROGRESS

– post weekend flash sale (let me know if you want to be tagged in)


– if it gets a little less rainy, move some phlox and a kiwi vine, plant another berry, do some weeding (gardening in a drizzle is fine, in heavy rain, maybe not so much)

– plant peas? What other veggies should I plant now? Can I plant from seed, or is it too late?


– host Zoom office hours for my students at 2
– review everything they’ve done in journals for the first three weeks, record everything
– post so they have a sense of where they are at this point
– check in with any students who are missing assignments

– make lesson plan for next week (I’ve been doing this on Monday, but a few of my students like to work ahead, so I’m trying to get a little bit of a jump on it, now that the initial chaos of the semester has died down)


– review and finalize SLF ad for SFWA Bulletin
– prep SLF stuff for tomorrow’s monthly meeting

– prep podcast stuff for tomorrow’s recording session — and I think we may be starting a Kickstarter for it on 9/15, if I can do all the prep this weekend. Stay tuned.

We’ll see how much I get through!

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