Serendib Kids

Thank You S’mores

The kids were only a little complain-y about all the sod lifting and rolling, and as a thank you, I built them a fire and pulled out the s’mores fixings. I also had discovered the badminton supplies during the garage clear-out earlier this week, so we did some of that too (mostly avoiding the newly-sodded

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Making a Little Progress

This semester has been so oddly choppy and weird, I’m behind again on everything. But I finally did start making a little progress on Kavi’s party planning, so that’s nice. Isn’t this sign adorable? The blue and gold at the bottom are garlands that will hang down (like in the picture), shipped from India. Etsy

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The Drowned Ophelia

You get one minute in the little transparent cubbies that jut out the sides of Willis tower. (Yes, it’s slightly nerve-wracking stepping out into them, even though it’s totally safe.) I grabbed a quick photo of our feet, and then spent the rest of the time doing a photo shoot for Kavi. The drowned Ophelia

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