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A Break from Working

Took a break from working (I’m feeling kind of stressed after losing two days to being sick, but am trying to be chill about it) to finish off this cowl. It has SO many mistakes in it, but I am going to wear it anyway, in the spirit of embracing imperfection. The biggest mistakes: •

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Stuffing Went Over Well

A little more of Serendib House staff pre-Thanksgiving lunch. Ethan is actually dipping cookies for the Patreon boxes, not lunch, but still. Is that tiny book pumpkin not the most adorable? It is. My sausage & cornbread chipotle stuffing went over well, per usual — the ones who were with me last year remembered it

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Resetting Habits

The semester is ending next week, and things are finally slowing down enough that I have the mental space to try to reset some of my habits that got a bit wonky during the semester. Being a professor is like a sprint — it gets a little all-consuming during the semester, and then you fall

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