

I was upset to discover that we had closet moths a few months ago, and that they had eaten holes in my absolute favorite sweater (plus a few others). Argh. I could have tried to do an invisible mend, with matching grey thread, but the sweater has a fine weave, and one of the holes […]

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Block Afghan

Blocking is one of those things you could easily miss if you teach yourself how to knit or crochet on the internet, but blocking is an essential final stage to many projects. This is your opportunity to shape the piece, coaxing the fibers to go where you want them to go — you can lengthen

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Finished blocking the first sweater-type thing I’ve made for myself. I’d hesitated for a long time, because it seemed like shaping would be trickier than sweaters for kids, and it was a big time commitment for something that might not come out. Results — mixed, I think. This one is a learning experience. I love

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Autumn Reynard

Whoa. I think I’ve made my first color work knitting pattern. Cool. Lots of long floats, sorry, but it actually looks like what I wanted it to look like. Weird. Two sides of a fingerless gauntlet. If anyone uses this pattern, I’d love to see the result! I’m knitting it myself, but I’m slow, so

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Kavya and I might have had a bit too much fun doing a photo shoot to model the sweater-poncho-thingie I just finished knitting for my niece. Kavi quite likes it, and is pondering whether she wants one of her own — in pink, though, not taupe! A quick, easy knit — recommended.

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