Friday, 4:30-5:45 P.M. Segregation in SFnal Cities In late 2010, Eric Fisher used Census data to map out the top 40 cities in the United States by race. ( The one commonality of every map was that segregation existed, often in stark and predictable patterns -- one race dominating this side of a busy avenue, a different race dominating that side. Or poor neighborhoods being dominated exclusively by people of color, while wealthy 'hoods are white. How often do we see this pattern realistically depicted in SFnal cities? Do most cities in speculative fiction simply ignore race and class, or do they more often depict an idealistic -- if unrealistic -- even mix? Do we *want* to see realistic segregation in our fantastic cites, or is it too troubling to be reminded of our world's problems when we'd rather just "escape"? Mary Anne Mohanraj (m) Eric Fischer Jaym Gates Marie Brennan Segregation in SFnal Cities Fri 8 - 9:15 Reading with Vylar Kaftan Saturday, 10:30-11:45 A.M. The Lightning Wrath of the Internet From Cooks Source to RaceFail, the Internet "hivemind" gets angry very, very quickly. The speed of discussion in fandom is much faster than it ever has been before. How is this changing the conversations we have? Is it a good thing, a bad thing, or simply the way it is? Mary Anne Mohanraj Lori Selke Nick Mamatas Rachel Silber Sunday 9:00-10:15 A.M. Power Structures in F/SF Cities Who holds the power in the cities of alternate worlds? Are cities ruled by individuals, single organizations, or coalitions? How is power exercised: through religious, economic, legal, or other means? Can people move freely among classes? Does the nature of power held in a city influence the nature of the underclass? Take examples from modern and classic spec fic works and examine how these questions have been addressed over time. Michele Cox Mary Anne Mohanraj Debbie Notkin Gary Farber
Good luck with the Rasathi reading! That’s very exciting.
Oh, Eric Fischer will be there! Yay! A pal of mine.
Yes! I hope fen and editors alike are clamoring for the Rasathi series!
“The Lightning Wrath of the Internet”
Expect me to kibitiz like mad from the sidelines here, because I’m not under the impression that the panel has much grounding on how fandom handled arguments and feuding from 1926-1980. Which is to say, for most of the history of fandom. this strikes me as a significant omission, if one actually wants to discuss what has indeed changed and not, and I for one, think there are many interesting elements to that which has not changed, and that which has.
But you can tell me to shut up. 🙂 I’ll just wave my hand a lot. 🙂
Maybe hold off for a bit, just because the panel is supposedly about the internet. 🙂 That may take all our time, since I do think the internet modifies this kind of interaction in important ways. But if we have space, historical context might be helpful too.