In the meantime, it's been a pretty good day. Starting back a bit, yesterday evening, I met up with three other mommy bloggers from the Chicago moms' blog for a nice dinner at Andalous (good Moroccan). Enjoyed myself, and it was really nice getting to know some of them a little better. By the time I got home at 10, Kavi was asleep, but I stayed up 'til midnight talking to Kevin about job / life / housing / etc., which maybe wasn't so wise sleep-wise, but it really was the only chance we'd had to have a conversation about all this. Then, to make matters worse, I woke up at 6 for no good reason -- but I was definitely awake, even though the baby wasn't. So I went downstairs, had tea and checked e-mail.
Kavi didn't wake until close to 7:30, and when she did wake up, she lay in her bed and happily gurgled to herself. That's two days in a row where she's woken up at a reasonable hour and also woken up peacefully. These are new things for us. I am crossing all my fingers and toes that they continue. Please cross yours too.
Hung out with baby for a while, then handed her off to Kevin and went off to Artopolis to meet another Chicago desi novelist, Kali Plomin. We're going to be reading together in April, and I wanted to meet her in person -- there aren't so many of us here in the city. Had a great time talking to her; we worked out the details of the reading, and then just chatted about publishing, motherhood (she's a stay-at-home mom of two, after years as a high-powered attorney), etc...
Now I'm back, and I did some class prep and a tiny bit of revision while Kavi napped, and I see little arms waving from out of the blanket, so I think it's time to go pick up my little girl. More course prep when Kevin comes home, and then teaching tonight. Tuesday's started feeling like the end of the week, since it ends with intensive teaching late. Of course, on Wednesday, we have babysitting, so it should be a writing day. Maybe Thursday will be my big goof off day for the rest of the school year. We'll see...